Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turning Points Chapter 9: Involving Parents and Communities Synthesis

In our education classes, we have heard over and over again how we need to get parents and the community involved in the classroom and with the students lives. This chapter talks about how we can incorporate parents and the community into our schools. In order to bring parents into the school and their childrens' academics, the authors gave four key ideas: 1. Establishing continuity between home and school. 2. Monitoring students' school work and their school "careers". 3. Creating opportunities outside the school for safe, engaging exploration. 4. Improving the school through on-site parental involvement. Using these four steps, teachers and parents can begin to have the discussions necessary for students success in the classroom and the world. Parents of all back grounds will be encouraged to come in and help with their special skills.

As a whole, we have decided that involving parents into the classroom and into their childrens' academic lives can help students' progress through school. Not only will they do better in their classes, but they're more willing to go to class and find the material more interesting. Yet there were some concerns when it came to parents who had opposite philosophies of the teachers and administration. When we have parents and community members who want the school to change in a different direction, it can be more of a problem than a solution. There is a balancing act that we as teachers and administrators have to walk, because we want parents to become part of their childrens' academic life, but we don't want them to slow it down either.


  1. Nice links. I like all the subject specific suggestions provided on the links in your first resource. They're both very helpful.


  2. I really liked that TIPS website that you posted. It definitely is helpful with getting parents involved in their students school work. Good job Stew Dog! :)

  3. Stew-dog! You used my link! But it's OK because great minds think alike. Those tips are really useful and I know I'm terrified of talking to parents when I'm a teacher so the more advice the better! Nice work.


  4. These links are helpful because there is always going to be a challenge when trying to get parents involved, but not be overbearing. It's something that is really touchy and these sites are really helpful.

  5. Your fist link has some really great ideas to get the parents involved in education. There are some great ideas about how to get on a personal level with parents too.

  6. I think that the whole conversation bit about getting community members involved over a brown bag lunch is an interesting idea. I feel that open dialogue is a great way to help our case of connecting to our parents within the school system. Great links and resources!

  7. I liked your sites on parent involvement. I like how your first site has so many articles broken down into different topics. I really hope to have good experiences with parents. I am glad that you brought up some possible problems and what is important to making teacher- parent relationships successful. thanks.

  8. The TIPS site seems great. Just looking around it, I feel like there a lot of great resources on the site, thanks!


  9. Excellent job Justin! I really like your links for involving parents, because with the parent's support, a lot of things are possible then without the parent's support.

  10. I liked the idea of the TIPS program. I plan on reading more about it and implementing aspects into my classroom. Good find.

  11. Thanks for sharing these links, Justin. I think these will be certainly be helpful for the future classroom. The parent/student homework is especially interesting.

  12. Dear Justin:
    You did a great job explaining your chapter. I really liked your links, its too bad that Ewin had to go and steal one of them. Maybe someday she'll be able to do her own work. (JK)
